Friday, February 22, 2008

Screwtape Letters (Letter 1)

This was a very confusing read and I did not understand what was going on.  As I began reading the book I was very confused and became very lost.  I struggled through the rest of our assigned reading in hopes of trying to get a better understanding of the literature.  Although I made it through the reading I was just as confused at the beginning of the reading as I was at the end.  I was just wondering if anyone else had this same experience?
From what I understand this is a uncle who is writing to his nephew about a patient that they are both familiar with.  I have not yet figured out what type of patient this is, it seems as though they may be in some religion that is against Christianity and they are trying get as many people as possible away from Christianity and into their religion.  The thought of the power that these men may have over people and what they choose to believe in is scary.  The even scarier thing is that it happens in our everyday lives.  Even today people are being influenced by music, movies, books and other forms of entertainment to join different religions.  
I thought that their strategy for how to keep their patients in line was interesting.  The idea of keeping the patients head our of the books and getting him out into the 'real world' is very powerful, because if your head is stuck in a book it is easy to make your own conclusions, but when you are forced into the 'real world' there are so many things that influence your thoughts and experiences that they become no longer your own.  
This book seems very confusing and I hope that as we dig deeper and deeper into the core of the book I am able to understand the plot better and grasp the message the author is trying to portray.  I was just wondering if anyone understood the first section of the book and if you did your response to my writing will be greatly appreciated.


Becky Danek said...

Corianna, I agree with you that the reading was very hard to follow. I think that the main concept of the book is that the "uncle" is actually satan writing letters to someone to try and get them to follow their religion, as you stated. I'm still unsure about the core ideas of the book also. I also thought it was interesting that they related books to 'real life' and to keep the two seperated! It makes sense to me!! Hope the rest of the book is a little more clear!! :)


Stephen said...

I agree. This read was ridiculously confusing. I also agree with your interpretation about getting him out of the books. The real world forces people into different positions that they would usually not have chosen given more time and space to think. I unfortunately cannot offer you any useful insight. I do find the third letter interesting where I believe he is trying to use the new patient against the patient’s mother.

.agrigorian. said...

I agree that the book was quite confusing @ first. The way that Wormwood writes to his nephew is in a way that can just sound jumbled. After reading it again, I understood that they were trying to sway the 'patient' from converting to Christianity. And I totally agree that it is apparent in our everyday lives.

Milli said...

I also agree with the beginning of the book being slightly confusing especially with the first letter. Although I still have confusion about where this book will go, I do agree with Becky in that the 'uncle' is obviously Satan and reading his leaders as a satire makes it a little less confusing. I do also like how he uses everyday experiences and books to make his point because although the language is confusing its creates something to relate to.


Krystin S said...

I agree that this book is very confusing to read. I read through the first three letters once and did my original post, then went back and read the first 2 letters again as those were ones I didn't understand at first. I think I was only able to understand the 3rd letter because I was able to relate to the patient. I hope that the rest of the book is a little easier to understand, but if it's not I'd suggest trying to reread the letters you don't understand a 2nd time as I picked up a few things that I missed the 1st time I read through it.