Friday, May 2, 2008

Screwtape Letters (Letter 31)

This book still just really confuses me and I do not enjoy reading it at all.  I feel like I get lost from the very first sentence that I read and never can truly get back into the book.  In this letter Wormwood has lost his patient to the enemy.  I am not quite sure if this lose was due to the fact that the patient died, or if he just recognized that Wormwood was working for Satan and turned away from him, does anyone know which scenario is true? I would assume that the patient died, because I feel like it is hard to live a life where you can recognize Satan completely and knowingly refuse him.  There are too many temptations in our everyday world for us to simply say no.  
The whole rest of the letter was very confusing and I have no idea what Screwtape was trying to tell Wormwood.  If anyone can clarify this for me that would be wonderful.  I am really frustrated, because I thought that the farther we read into the book the more I would understand, but I still seem to find myself very lost.  Please, I need your HELP!!! Thank you!


Kenion said...

My take on these chapters was that the patient was killed in a bombing raid of some sort. The problem for Screwtape is that he died without being influenced by all the tricks he had planned. The questions I had right after reading these chapters revolved around the way Screwtape talked about his failure. It was as though his nephew was a complete failure, when in fact it was his ideas and advice that crumbled and amounted to nothing. I'd say the message of these chapters was one of realizing that despite how great of powers Screwtape wanted everyone to think he had, they all ended up being a bunch of empty words and failures.

Melissa Purta said...

Oh Cori. I agree that the book is not as easy to understand as I hoped it would be too. Kenion actually summed up the letter better than I could. I know he died in a bombing and that Screwtape was upset with his nephew; but I like that Kenion added that in all reality it was Screwtape that failed. Only one more blog, hang in there! lol

Melissa Purta said...
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